Years Experience
Happy Clients
New Innovations
Successful Projects
My strengths include exceeding company's objectives. Achieving success through refined business practices using analytical decision making, focused attention, time management, leadership, motivational and organizational skills.

FFor fifteen (15) years as a management consultant, I worked internationally helping over a hundred companies achieve their desired goals.

During my professional career, I have worked within three (3) industries, which include consulting, software, and energy (solar PV). In the last six (6) years, I have built the sales teams and exceeded sales goals for two (2) companies entering into the US solar market as the VP of Sales RECOM Solar, and Head of Business Development Jinko Solar. My total years in solar is over 11 years first as the CEO of Soul-er Inc, then the SVP of CA Solar. I am experienced management consultant, sales and business development leader, team leader, planning executive and execution expert creating success for over twenty-two (22) years.

My strengths include exceeding company's objectives. Achieving success through refined business practices using analytical decision making, focused attention, time management, leadership, motivational and organizational skills. For fifteen (15) years as a management consultant, I worked internationally helping over a hundred companies achieve their desired goals. My presentation skills are highly developed allowing me to train and present to any skill level. As a team leader, I communicate plans through presenting and writing the plans for the entire team. Using these plans as a guideline for achieving company goals. I write a business column focusing on Business and Finance for the San Francisco Examiner.

My responsibilities have been and are to meet all sales goals personally and with our team. In the companies I have worked, we have exceeded personal and team goals. To achieve these goals it boils down to working harder and smarter than the next person and team. Learning why customers are making buying decisions and making sure they know you and your product (branding yourself and the company). In addition, continually keeping abreast of what our competitor’s strategies are and what tactics they use to implement them. Always, keeping conscious of what customers are looking for and helping them achieve their goals/interests within the sale.

Robert W. Benedict III

About Us

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction. ~Albert Einstein