Our society is faced with seemingly difficult tasks with transitioning to a new economy not based on fossil fuels and coal. It is time to move to energy that is clean and removes the toxins that are killing the planet and us. Even Pope Francis on September 23, 2015 speaking at the Whitehouse talked about correcting climate change is our duty and we cannot leave it to the next generation. We can all agree that there is no one size fits all solution, and there is no magic bullet to affordable clean energy. The prospects and possibilities are amazing or terrifying, but very real.

Humanity is at a unique crossroads where there is an intersection of clean energy and living in the past using fossil fuels, which are destroying our environment. Listening to our scientific leaders and understanding what will work from them can open the door to cleaner living. Renewable energy solutions will endure while protecting our planet and our way of life. Everything indicates that Solar, Bio-fuels, Hydro (wave), wind are the solution and will endure throughout time. These “drop in” systems provide a way to buy us the time we need to integrate more sustainable long-term solutions.

There is a solution to solving the energy problem

Technology exists to solve all of the problems we face concerning our environment. However, progress is stalling because our government’s inability to cooperate. Another part of the problem is many people are convinced “there is nothing they can do” or they are not willing to do anything. Being a part of the solution, by practicing energy efficiency and using a renewable energy source when possible is the part each of us can do.

We are all in a position of having to accept that the government will only partially assist in engineering a new renewable energy world. An excellent example of what changes can happen is the technology revolution, which once it got its wings grew exponentially. We need to work day and night to connect the right people and renewable energy projects together. The vision of a new world based on renewables is waiting for us all we have to do is act. If as a community we place our consciously actions with perseverance to bring in this new energy existence, it would provide the momentum to solve our energy problem.

Our politicians should remove the politics out of the renewable equation as Pope Francis has asked. In the United States we place too much of our focus on one political party or another, let’s forget about politics and solve the problem. Those of us pointing fingers and playing the “Republicans this” and “Democrats that” game have completely missed the point. This is our planet and we need to make sure it is health for many more generations to come.

In Closing, we have the solutions now and the renewable energy community is growing. If we each do a small part before long this will be the world, we want to bring up our children in.

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