For the last few years I have been considering how it would be possible to express my thoughts, actions, experiences, and meditations to a broader public than the occasional person every once in a while.  My belief is that finally after meditating since the late 70’s there is an internal confidence and awareness that the words you will be reading in this book Secure Tomorrow Today will give you some of the insights to assist you in your journey through life and all its interesting twists and turns.

I remember so clearly that my first experience with meditation had me wondering whether I was crossing the Christian line of prayer where the negative world existed.  Growing up as a Methodist any form of worship other than at the church was considered a sin or at least that is how I initially felt and learned from my time at the church.  Once I realized that in fact meditation was exactly what Christ did, meditation lost any weird attachments from my conscious and subconscious mind.

My initiation into meditation was with the Swami Muktanada group, during that period he was living with hundreds of thousands of followers.  Even though the meditation style that most Master teachers  teach has its own style and practices, and although I am far from being a teacher, over the years I personally have developed my own style.  Within my meditations is the practice of witnessing my connection with God and recognizing we are all the same although we physically and mentally look and think different. 

How is it that we are able to bridge the gap between what we see and think and what is reality.  This is where meditation comes into play.  When we enter deep into the meditation space where God resides and slip out of the conscious self.   Here we wash away our actions and repaint our own presence via God’s remolding.  

In this book Secure Tomorrow Today I will touch on the interrelationship between metaphysics, human genes, the mind and how it communicates with our brain, meditation and slipping into Gods space.  My personal relationship with metaphysics was open initially through meditation and then reading several books on the science of metaphysics and books covering multiple sciences including how to obtain success.  

One of the books that impressed and helped me begin designing the new me was Og Mandino’s “The Greatest Salesman in the World”.  This book was an interesting read with an exciting method of how to design my own life through developing scrolls detailing some of who I wanted to be and learning how to live by the details.  When I reflect back over 35 years ago to the beginning of the reading, reciting daily and then writing my own scrolls I see how much that nightly reciting and morning meditation opened me up to a new me.

Through daily meditation and my interest in science I kept an eye on what was taking place in the science of genetics.  Although I had no scientific proof at the time I did have the strongest belief that through meditation and exercising it was possible to enhance our genetic pool through our daily activities.  During the late 90’s when this imagery kept creeping into my consciousness when I would discuss the topic with people even people studying or engaged in the field of metaphysics they all thought I was a bit out there.  Later I read a book about genetics, this book gave me some new insights and somewhat validated my belief that we can enhance our genes through our actions.  

This interest in the genetics and our ability to modify our lives through enhancing our genes allowing for life extension.  Healing ourselves of diseases was ignited for me from within because without knowing it at the time I had contacted liver disease through events that occurred while leading an expedition down the tributaries of the Amazon.  This journeys was planned over 15 years including contemplations and meditations based with interest in learning about the medicinal aspects of the plants and Shamans who’s only connection with the spiritual world was contained within the jungles.  These Shaman having no contact from outside of the jungle they lived, to influence their practices.  

This journey lasted about one year.  Traveling in a dugout canoe up and down main rivers and their tributaries, learning what it must have been like living 500 years back in time.  During most of this journey there was no running water or any other conveniences that we have here in the Western World.  Nor any country, city, village or town that has even the most basic conveniences like electricity, running water, sewage, bathrooms, modes of transportation other than a boat along the river.

Although I contacted a life-threatening disease and was on my death bed for 3 months about 15 years after the amazing Amazon journey the California Pacific Medical Center found a liver to transplant and save my life.  On the day the doctors were going to turn off the dialysis machine that was pumping the blood through my veins giving life to my system they found a matching liver.  This allowed me to be alive today.  I am not sure how many hours I had left to live without the new liver but they were very few probably a handful or more.  Anyone that visited me can tell you that I never gave up hope and always believed that they would find a liver for me.  

Of course, it is always hard to find a match and to be close enough to dying to deserve getting that liver over other people waiting that require a transplant means you are most likely close to dying.  In my case I have AB negative blood which means the chances were even less likely.  As I already mentioned I always sensed, knew that I would get the liver as I had too many things like this book to do before I left the physical plain of consciousness.   All the years I had worked on learning about life could not come to an end before I had an opportunity to give back for all that I had already learned and received from that open space where God consciousness resides.  I will go into more specifics on this experience donating a whole chapter to what this liver transplant journey was like.  Also, along with getting a new liver eradicating the virus from my body, and back to expecting to live to 150 years, which I believed would be the case since childhood.

Long life involves many dynamics, it means going through life and being blessed with not having any critical accidents by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Although I got a major disease, based on the extreme sports I have been involved with I have been very lucky and extremely fortunate being able to express my adventurous nature.  There were a couple times while paragliding that a mishap happened with my wing and instead of falling out of the sky, I worked my way down with a partially collapsed wing.  There have been several other occasions doing other extreme activities when I have been on the verge of complete disaster but I came out without even a scratch.  This fact has always caused me to believe that I am blessed, believing that all the meditation and giving my life up with belief that God is watching over me has created a bubble around me and protecting me no matter what I do.

Some of the chapters in this book will be dedicated to what I have called the Masters.  These are individuals who have walked on the planet and brought light into the lives of many people.  There are many more Masters who have and are walking on the planet which are mentioned in this book but these Master have been brought into my life to help me grow.  They have affected my interests and desires to learn and meditate on what to bring into my life.  How they can and will help anyone to continue the pursuit of becoming a more realized person in thought and action.

One of the influencers in my decision into developing a group of Masters to meet with in meditation is the late great Henry Ford who believed that it is best to have a board of directors that you can go to with the purpose of counseling your decision.  This board of director’s is usually living.  My belief was that I could also contact them through meditation even if they are not physically here, because what I ask them relates to how they lived their lives while walking on the planet.  Their energy and actions are still accessible through contacting the super consciousness where all our energy resides in spirit. 

Each of these Masters brought their own personalities and special gifts to the world.  To give you an idea of the list which people who have directed me it includes Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gundi, Kirpal Singh, Swami Muktanada, Buckminster Fuller, Buddha, Yogananda, Einstein.  Each of these amazing personas brought wonderful gifts to the planet.  

What makes humans different is the ability to recall cellular memory and that cells communicate with each other.  Memory begins in the cells where cells communicate with each other.  Always deciding to do what is best for the cell and responding with actions to rejuvenate and react in the best developmental action possible.  Building memory and expanding this memory throughout the entire human experience to the memory of the mind and its ability to recall this memory.  Recently while in the gym locker room I was listening to two gentlemen discussing cell memory.  They concurred that the cells in our body do not have memory based on science.  This of course is not correct.  Our new science proves all cells have memory they communicate with each other when within proximity always repairing, responding, and rejuvenating achieving the best possible result.   

Within our human cellular system how we use nutrients, amino acids and their ability to repair develop and how it effects our restructuring takes place will be discussed and what the science proves.  How this effects our ability to act and react towards the world around us. Also, we will discuss what science on longevity concludes that the person has been born that will live to 200 years of age.  What is required to reach this milestone of living 200 years of age is putting into play the science of longevity.  Part of this longevity will be tracking our biomarkers and tracking them ensuring that whatever the necessary requirements are those needs are available for the person’s cellular growth.

I will explain why most people that have not been on a regular exercise program have not figured out the easy methods that work to begin and make exercise a lifelong experience.  Exercise is an important ingredient to longevity and how as we are aging we can slow this aging process and the reduction of muscle mass.  What amount of exercise we need to perform and what are a few of the best methods to get started if you are not already involved in a regular amount of exercise?  The normal response from most people that have not been exercising is they want to do it all at once.  This impulse is exactly what keeps them from developing a regular lifestyle that includes exercise.  Starting from nothing to overdoing it.  Over my years from childhood to now it has become apparent that a slow start with minimal activity opens the door to a lifelong program of weekly exercise in an amount that assist in longevity.

The multifaceted view of enhancing life in the book Secure Tomorrow Today will present you with many life experiences and intense research into many sciences.  It is my desire that you enjoy reading this book and it opens your thinking to some insights into your life and hopefully give you one or two pieces of information that adds to your life through your new actions towards living.



0 #1 Lenin 2016-09-20 02:24
Hi this is a test :lol:

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Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction. ~Albert Einstein